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Frequently Asked Questions
  • Question: Will my host charge extra fees after I arrive?
    Answer: No, Your host should not charge you additional fees. If this occurs please notify us and we will reconcile.

  • Question: Will I be within walking distance to my school?
    Answer: No, Probably not. The average commuting time in the Seattle/Puget Sound area is approximately 40 minutes by public transportation. We have made every effort to place our homestay guests conveniently according to the school they will attend. Seattle Central students will notice the longest commute times, because of a lack of housing around the campus.


  • Question: How long am I expected to stay in my homestay?
    Answer: The hosts are participating for the cultural experience as well and expect you to stay as long as stated on the application.


  • Question:  What payment methods are acceptable to my host?
    Answer: Cash, and travelers checks. Hosts do not accept bank cards or personal overseas checks.

  • Question: What if I want to move within the first 2 weeks?
    Answer: We understand it will be difficult to adjust during the first few days, however you need to allow yourself a full month to acclimate to a new way of life.

  • Question: May my parents stay at my home stay when I arrive?
    Answer:  No. Homestays do not have room to accommodate parents. We offer our assistance in booking hotel reservations, prior to arrival. We cannot accommodate transportation from the airport for parents, due to space and other same day arrivals.

  • Question:  Will I have my own room?
    Answer: Yes, all full time students have their own private rooms.

  • Question:  Will I be able to smoke outside my homestay?
    Answer: No, most hosts are not okay with smoking near their home.

  • Question: If I need to stay beyond my payday a few days, how will I pay for extra days?
    Answer: You will pay a daily rate for each day beyond your payday up to seven days. If your stay exceeds a week then there is a weekly rate. the daily and weekly rate vary, please contact us for current rates.

  • Question: Will internet be provided.
    Answer:" Yes, all homestays have internet connection.".

  • Question: Will my host cook my meals?
    Answer: No, the US is a fast-paced, independant society. Food is provided in all homestays. Your host will show you how to prepare your breakfast and lunch. Dinners may be shared with your homestay.

  • NAFSA Association of International Educators

  • AWISA Association of Washington International Student Affairs

  • AIHP WS Association of International Host -Programs in Washington State

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