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Host Guidelines


  • Welcome the foreign student(s) into my home as a member of my family.

  • Offer to help the student(s) with homework.

  • The benefits to me depend on the thought, effort and commitment I invest.

  • If hosts have questions regarding additional fees charged to the student, please contact us first.

  • Provide the student(s) with a private and furnished room including bed, desk, lamp, and dresser.  (Two students may share a room for short stay programs.)

  • Daily conversations and listening practice are essential to the students’ English skills and I will do my best to help the student(s) by allowing time for daily interaction.

  • Have food for meals available each day for the student(s). Family Dinners are an expectation.

  • It is acceptable to invite student(s) to church services but it is not acceptable to proselytize your religion on student(s).

  • Familiarize the foreign student with the bus route from home to school.

  • Intercultural Homestays is not liable for any loss or injury incurred as a result of my hosting a foreign student.

  • Include student(s) in family activities.

  • Carry on your daily life naturally.  Do not change to meet the students’ expectation.  Let them adapt to you.

  • The language is limited, but remember they are adults and are to be treated as such.

  • Encourage your student(s) to compare their way of life to yours.  You can become a conversation teacher in your home.

  • Be sure to give your student(s) a thorough explanation of how your house operates on the first day (shower, faucets, bed,  water, etc.)

  • Please inform your student(s), upon arrival in your home, of your household policy toward smoking.

  • Keep in mind that the student(s) are here to study and they are “absorbed” at times.

  • It might be helpful if you speak a little more slowly, not more loudly, to your student(s) to facilitate understanding.

  • Do not automatically pay for everything unless you have made a decision to do so and your student(s) know the cost of things, e.g., movies, restaurants, etc.

  • If a problem arises due to the student(s) misunderstanding of your routines, tell him / her openly but tactfully what you wish them to do, e.g., make own bed.

  • Serve small portions of food at first since the taste may be unusual for the student(s).  You can offer a second helping of food later.

  • The key is a healthy family life, a willing commitment and a realistic expectation.

  • Students are asked to report to Intercultural Homestays on a regular basis.

  • Waive my right to privacy under the Washington State Privacy Act in so far as Intercultural Homestays can reveal my address and telephone number for business purposes.

  • Intercultural Homestays reserves the right to remove a student from my home at its discretion.

  • Intercultural Homestays reserves the right to move a student and request a prorated refund.

  • The first month is considered a trial period and if either party wishes to terminate the
    homestay, the student’s money is to be refunded on a prorated basis.

  • NAFSA Association of International Educators

  • AWISA Association of Washington International Student Affairs

  • AIHP WS Association of International Host -Programs in Washington State

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